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Setting up a Standing Order

Setting up a Standing Order from your bank to ours is an alternative payment method for anyone who has a reoccurring payment agreement with The -B- Workout LTD. 


This can be applied to the following purchases



Rolling 30

Rolling 60

Rolling 90



The Barre Membership 6 months

The Barre Membership 12 months 


Add ons such as the LIVE BOLT ON and Class Credit BOLT ON that The Barre Memberships are eligible for. 

Things you need to know

Terms & Conditions

* A Standing Order is set up by you from your bank account directly to ours

* You fully control this payment

* You can adjust this payment at anytime


* By setting up a SO for your membership / subscription you are agreeing to pay for the remainder of your current contract in this way


* By setting up a SO you are agreeing to ensure that payments leave your bank on the correct day allowing time for the transfer to reach us, this can take 3-5 days so any delays in your agreed payment date may delay your membership credits turning over in your Barre account


* As SO's take 3-5 days to clear and cannot be taken on Weekends or Bank holidays, payment dates need to be set up to leave your account 3 days prior to the date you would like your Membership to turn over


EXAMPLE: Your current membership hits your barre account on the 7th of the month.  Currently this is the date your payment is taken and your credits turnover. 


With a SO you can either:

Make the payment 3 days before, ie on the 4th so your Barre credits still land on the 7th.


Make payment which leaves your account on the 7th and we adjust your Membership date to the 10th as the date that your credits hit your account. 



The details you need & what you need to do next

*** Please fill out the form below to let us know that you intend to set up a SO ***



The -B- Workout LTD

Clear Bank 

Account number:  18460448

Sort code:  04-06-05


Bank address:  1 Appold Street




Reference to use:






Standing Order Form 
Tell us which purchases you are creating a SO for. You can create 1 SO for multiple purchases or seperate SO orders for multiple purhcases

Thanks, your form has been submitted

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