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essentials classes
25 min STUDIO

After a couple of classes you should be able to gauge your ‘weak spots’, thats where essentials classes come into play. These classes are 25/30 mins of targeted training, whether you need a little more core, added power in your ‘power muscles’ or tension and tightness is your biggest challenge, there’s a class that fits the bill. 





Flow, glide and roll your way through this full body class. Liberate stuck shoulders, free up your hips and get articulation into your spine.  With the lights down low you can fully turn your focus onto how your body is moving through each plane of movement.




25 minutes of focused ab and core work featuring some of your favourite moves from regular Barre class as well as introducing some new ones. Crunch, tuck and tighten those muscles on your way to a toned defined torso.






Another 30 minute class honing in on your behind. Lift it, tone it and reshape it. If your caboose is your nemesis this class is a must to show it who’s boss!





Get your stretch on with a class dedicated to lengthening and strengthening... get your body warmed up and then well and truly stretched out. Increasing flexibility and releasing tension with a fast pace and dynamic stretching, this class will have you walking out feeling 3 inches taller!





Breathe is all about creating balance and release through the body to help with your form in class and your recovery times. Focus on breath control (not just a clever name then!) and oxygenating your muscles during stretch and release.
We also work on pressure point release to really focus on your "tough and tight" areas.






The newest express class to join the Barre fam.  This class draws on many years of rehab exercises used to stabilise knees, mobilise upper and lower backs, ensure correct abdominal connection as well working on ankle, knee hip alignment and stability. This class is suitable for every Barre bueat but particularly for anyone recovery from injury, pre / post natal or those who have any tight or niggly areas. So pretty much all of us! 






Just to keep you on your toes (no kitten heels here remember!) we have an ESSENTIALS class! This 25 min class combines elements from all your favourite essentials classes. You'll be worked to your edge and have the opportunity to train in some sections of classes that you might not always manage to get in to.




barre stREtch


Barre stREtch is here to do exactly as you'd think, s-t-r-e-t-c-h. This class flows and works you from head to foot to lengthen you out.



Take a look at 'How to Barre your best' to see how you can combine express classes with the rest of the the programme

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